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Our Top 7 Questions for Candidates to Ask at Interviews

Preparing for an interview often focuses on what questions the interviewer will ask, but it’s equally as important to have your own prepared.

Here, we list our top 7 questions to ask at an interview, why they’ll help, and how we can help you find the perfect placement.

The Questions

What Does a Typical Day Look Like at your Organisation?

If this hasn’t already been mentioned in the interview previously, this is a great question to ask.

Not only will it demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm in the role, but it will also give you an insight into the daily routine of the organisation, and an idea of how you might fit in.

It may also give you a chance to mention any skills or experiences you’ve had that may have become relevant during the interviewer’s answer.

What does the best care for your service users look like?

This question will establish to the interviewer that you’re taking a genuine interest in the organisation, but also the people in their care.

It shows that you’re interested in achieving what they consider to be the best, but it also gives you a better understanding of what will be expected of you in the role in terms of practice and procedure.

Do you offer any training opportunities and what sort of room is there for progression?

Asking this question may sounds self-centred but displaying to a prospective employer that you are always looking to progress and develop your skills is a good thing.

Improving as a professional only means that the service users will be receive better care and the organisation will run more efficiently.

What are the key targets you’d like to see this role accomplish?

With this question, you establish that you’re a driven, proactive, and committed person.

You’ll also get a clearer idea of what they expect from someone who assumes the role and will be better prepared should you get offered the position.

You may even have experience from your previous positions that you can point to as an example of other organisations where you have achieved what they’re looking for.

What are the core values of the organisation?

This is perhaps the most important question you can ask.

Care work can be extremely personal, with many pursuing a career in care because of experiences in their own lives.

This question will not only show that you take your job seriously, but it will also help you find out if a potential employers’ attitudes and approach to care blend with your own.

What Does Your Typical Induction Process Look Like?

Finding out what an employer will expect of you on your first day will be key to making a great first impression.

You should prepare for your first day in the same way you do an interview. Lay your clothes out the night before, pack a bag with anything you need, and get a good night’s sleep.

What is Your Biggest Employee Success Story?

This question will hopefully give you a good impression of what it’s like to work for the organisation.

It will make the interviewer put substance, if they haven’t already, behind their answers to questions 3 and 5 (if you’ve asked them).

Stories of employee progression or satisfaction is a good indication that they treat their staff well and value their work.

Where We Can Help

At Care First UK, we’ve been providing leading recruitment solutions to the Care sector since 2015.

Having previous experience of the health care sector at provider level, we know what it takes to work in care, and what it takes to provide high quality service to the most vulnerable.

We are passionate about not just finding people a placement, but finding them the right placement, in an organisation where they can flourish.

You can find out more about how we help our candidates here.

If you’d like us to help you find the perfect placement for you, you can contact our friendly team by calling 01202 854777 Monday to Friday, and 07785 331104 or 07810 349555 evenings and weekends.

You can also email the team on today

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